Did researchers find the home of ‘King Pompey’ outside Boston?

Did researchers find the home of ‘King Pompey’ outside Boston?

Pompey was elected a Colonial-era ‘king.’ Did researchers find the foundation of his home in Massachusetts?
Early Neolithic groups applied species selection strategies

Early Neolithic groups applied species selection strategies

Earliest Neolithic groups in the Pyrenean site of Coro Trasito used species selection strategies to manufacture their tools.
Ancient Temple and Theater Discovered in Peru

Ancient Temple and Theater Discovered in Peru

A team of archaeologists has unearthed the remains of what appears to be a four-thousand-year-old temple and theater in coastal Peru.
Dietary diversity of Denisovans on the Tibetan Plateau

Dietary diversity of Denisovans on the Tibetan Plateau

New research sheds light on Denisovan behaviour and indicates how adaptable they were to the harsh and variable environment of the Tibetan Plateau.
Εarliest evidence for plant farming in east Africa

Εarliest evidence for plant farming in east Africa

A trove of ancient plant remains excavated in Kenya helps explain the history of plant farming in equatorial eastern Africa.
Grave of two children from Migration Period in Czulice

Grave of two children from Migration Period in Czulice

Polish archaeologists have discovered the grave of two children from the Migration Period in Czulice near Kraków.
New study adds to mystery of Cahokia exodus

New study adds to mystery of Cahokia exodus

Dig into Cahokia's history to cast doubt on a popular theory about why the ancient city was abandoned.
How did Iron Age Britons adapt to the Roman conquest?

How did Iron Age Britons adapt to the Roman conquest?

Human remains and artefacts give new insight into how early Britons adapted to life after the Roman invasion.
New find uncovers 12,000 year old First Nations ritual

New find uncovers 12,000 year old First Nations ritual

Findings at Cloggs Cave uncover profound insights into the rich heritage of one of the world's oldest living cultures.
Erimi-Pitharka 2024 Excavation Season Update

Erimi-Pitharka 2024 Excavation Season Update

Based on the finds, Pitharka can be dated to the Late Bronze Age IIC - IIIA period, in accordance with previous findings, and appears to have been peacefully abandoned.
New findings rewrite ancient Brazilian history

New findings rewrite ancient Brazilian history

Contrary to what has been previously thought, the ancestors of the Southern Jê of the Santa Catarina uplands did not displace the sambaquis.
Insight into the world of the ancient Romans

Insight into the world of the ancient Romans

With the help of carbonate deposits, researchers have been able to reconstruct the development of the former water mills of Barbegal over time.
Wall Built To Contain Spartacus Discovered

Wall Built To Contain Spartacus Discovered

Dr. Paolo Visona (University of Kentucky) has unveiled an exciting discovery in the Dossone della Melia forest in south-central Calabria.
Female lineages in Neolithic Çatalhöyük

Female lineages in Neolithic Çatalhöyük

Interdisciplinary study of 131 paleogenomes from Çatalhöyük East Mound shared as pre-print.
1,500-year-old reli­quary dis­cov­ered

1,500-year-old reli­quary dis­cov­ered

A Christian reliquary was still hidden in a previously unknown church. It contained a richly decorated ancient reliquary box made of ivory.
First case of Down syndrome in Neandertals

First case of Down syndrome in Neandertals

Neandertals were capable of providing altruistic care and support for a vulnerable member of their social group.
Ancient Tombs Found At Aga Khan, Aswan

Ancient Tombs Found At Aga Khan, Aswan

This part of the cemetery hosted the burials of middle-class residents of Aswan, and mummies found there hold evidence on the population's typical health issues.
Almonds, pottery and wood help date famed Kyrenia shipwreck

Almonds, pottery and wood help date famed Kyrenia shipwreck

Historic shipwrecks often evoke dreams of sunken riches waiting on the bottom of the ocean to be reclaimed.
New Tool Enhances Egyptian Papyri Exploration

New Tool Enhances Egyptian Papyri Exploration

A new tool on ushabtis.com for scholars and students to identify papyri in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.
Rare Sāmoan discovery offers clues to origins of inequality

Rare Sāmoan discovery offers clues to origins of inequality

The origins of hierarchical society in Sāmoa and wider Polynesia have likely been uncovered by a new study.
Exciting find discovered at Colonial Michilimackinac

Exciting find discovered at Colonial Michilimackinac

The archaeological program at Colonial Michilimackinac had an exciting find the morning of June 18, a brass trade ring.
Did Easter Islanders Commit ‘Ecocide’?

Did Easter Islanders Commit ‘Ecocide’?

A new study challenges this narrative of ecocide, saying that Rapa Nui’s population never spiraled to unsustainable levels.
Urgent call to preserve an ancient Syrian temple

Urgent call to preserve an ancient Syrian temple

In a new paper from the Bulletin of ASOR, the authors argue for the urgent need to intervene in the restoration of the temple.
The world’s oldest wine discovered

The world’s oldest wine discovered

A white wine over 2,000 years old, of Andalusian origin, is the oldest wine ever discovered.
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