An attempt to interpret the mythological Flood of Inachos and the heavy drought in Argolid is presented in this article, on the basis of available palaeogeographical, palaeoclimatological and geo-archaeological data in general. The genealogy of Argolid begins with Inachos, Phoroneus and Io and continues with their descendants, Epaphos, Libye, Aegyptos, Danaos, etc. By combining the geo-archaeological data, that is the obvious alluvial deposits of the Protohelladic I and II period, marine regression and the coastal change of the Argolid plain, also by examining the myths concerning the river-god Inachos and his descendants who tried to restore “order”to Argolid after a series of natural disasters, we can only assume that the various “incidents” of the “mythological” narration could have happened during the first half of the third millennium BC. The erection of the pyramidal structures in Argolid – at Hellinikon of Argos and at Lygourio— coincides with the end of this era, as has been ascertained by their recent nuclear dating. The attempt to interpret myths is undoubtedly a daring and risky venture. However, the authors’ intention is to present recent data and alternative hypotheses, which seem to meet many demands of the interdisciplinary fields, at least where the mythological cycle of Argolid is concerned.