Greece is an exceptionally mountainous country. Therefore the few areas that displays the appropriate relief for intense agricultural use have played an important role in its eνolutιon and haνe become centers of cultural development. The need for a more effective exploitation of plain land demanded the technical occupation of man with various natural phenomena, in order the menace of flood and drought to be dealt with electively. The peak of the technical achievements in Iand reclamation works both of the Mycenaeans in the Peloponnese and the Minyans in Boetia is dated from the fourteenth and thirteenth centurιes B.C. They are innovating and unique in Europe works, which secured the flowing ουt οf water from inhabited and cultivated districtsΙs in ρperiods of abundant water and, correspondingly, their supply with water in periods of drought. The main characteristic οf the Mycenaean waterworks was the basin technique that consisted ίn the construction of dens or locks that had a medium height but usuaIIy a substantial width and a length expanding of many kiIometers. The most sρectacular technical works of the Mycenaean era are the big piρeIines. mainly that of Kopais, but aIso those of the Pheneos valley and Tiryns. The great advantage of the waterworks was their automation, since after their construction they only needed maintenance without any technical back up. During the second half of the second millenium B.C. the Minyans created and exploited a magnificent and extensiveνe system of waterworks ίn order to control the creation of artificial lakes in Boeotia. The biggest and longest maιn, most of the earthworks of the ρeriod and the largest artificial lake of early Greece were created in the Minyan Kopais.
Prehistoric Land Reclamation Works
29 Aug 2012
by Archaeology Newsroom
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