The original Othonian building was constructed in 1834-35 by the royal architect Joseph Hoffer, to house the printing and lithographic offices.
In 1854, when I. Karpounis was director, the second storey of the building was burned to ashes by a fire.Having been superficially repaired it remained as a single-storey building for 78 years. Around 1890 the facades were extensively repaired and the building was enlarged by certain additions to its rear. In 1905-6 the National Printing House, so-called since 1863 , having been housed in the building of Stadiou Street for 72 whole years, was transferred to the newly built building on Kapodistriou Street. In 1931-32 the old Printing-House acquired an entire second storey, according to the plans of Phoebus Zoukis. architect of the Service of Public Edifices. In its new renovated form the building has housed certain services of the Royal Court of Athens. In order to document the architectural transformations of the building and the city-planning changes of the block to which it belongs, both a thorough research of the building itself was required and research in archives and libraries.Relevant informative data and illustrative material was thus collected.