30 March 2015 Start
30 March 2015 End
3.00 p.m. Time
Greece Swedish Institute at Athens (Mitseon 9, Akropolis metro station)

Τηλ.: +30 210 92 32 102, Fax: +30 210 92 20 925
e-mail.: [email protected]

The Greek Hecatomb: Realities, Logistics and Landscape

Monday, March 30, 2015

In her lecture “The Greek Hecatomb: Realities, Logistics and Landscape” Sandrine Huber (Université de Lorraine, French and Swiss Schools at Athens) will ivestigate the plural and multisensory landscape of the Greek Hetacomb. The lecture is part of the Athens Greek Religion Seminar series organised by the Swedish Institute at Athens.