How are ancient monuments and archaeology presented on Greek television programmes? From a professional’s viewpoint, the author transcribes bulletins from the magazine “Radiotileorasi” and follows the greater part of programmes on ERT1 and ERT2, covering the period between 11/1/1986 and 10/1/1987. Having classified her material, she refers to it by posing the following questions:

1) What percentage of television’s total output ,exclusively or occasionally covers programmes dealing with monuments or archaeology in general?

2) What is the percentage of purely archaeological programmes?

3) What is the percentage of occasional programmes or series on this subject?

4) What is the percentage of references made to archaeology in regular programmes/

5) Compared to other countries, what place is occupied by Greek antiquities and monuments?

6) What is the percentage of Greek productions compared to foreign ones?

7) What is their place on Greek, educational television?

8) What is their place in Children’s Television?

9) Films and adaptations, plays and productions and series, inspired by or referring to antiquity.

10) What is the percentage of repeating one of the above categories?

11) Times of transmitting these programmes.

12) Manner of presentation in “Radiotileorasi” magazine.

Diagrams help in the presentation of the material as well as the reaching of conclusions.