“Mythology” is the theme of the Pirelli calendar for 2011.  But how naked male and female bodies, no matter how artistically photographed, can illustrate our cultural heritage? But, exactly the same way our ancestors did it!
A series of naked models, 15 girls and 5 boys, in poses reminiscent of ancient Greek statues, illustrate Greek gods and heroes in a “Tableau Vivant” sense. The project, resulting in a series of 36 black-and-white photos, was created by the iconic fashion guru Karl Lagerfeld, who proves himself as a top photographer as well.
The new Pirelli calendar, recently presented in Moscow before an audience of international celebs, impressed with its stylistic excellence and iconographical strength. Photos like the one of actress Julianne Moore as Hera and model Baptiste Giabiconi as an anonymous Greek god are already considered emblematic. But, as an image equals a thousand words, it is better to enjoy the show…
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