A workshop titled “The Greek Experience Under Ottoman Rule” will be held on July 5-8, 2013 at the Benaki Museum, Athens. The workshop follows on the success of the two earlier workshops (Santorini, 2007 and Mytilene, 2010) on “The Greek Experience Under Ottoman Rule” sponsored by the Princeton University Program in Hellenic Studies. Hosted by the Historical Archives of the Benaki Museum, Athens, this workshop is designed to bring together graduate students and recent Ph.D.s who are working in Greece on Ottoman history and culture, together with a small group of graduate students and early-career scholars from Turkey, Europe and the United States. The focus will be on Greeks and, more broadly, Greece in the Ottoman Empire. Students from all humanities disciplines and the social sciences are welcome to apply.
In the last fifteen years Greece has emerged as a center of writing on the Ottoman Empire. A new generation of Greek scholars, some trained abroad, some trained in Greece, have produced an impressive body of literature that engages not only the history of the Greek communities in the Ottoman Empire, but some of the most fundamental issues in Ottoman history. Whereas the pioneers of an earlier generation had to stand in splendid, but lonely, isolation, now a sufficiently large cohort has developed, such that one can speak of a community of scholars working in Greece on Ottoman history.
The workshop will focus on the experience of the Greeks under Ottoman rule. Prospective participants are encouraged to consider additional frameworks for their topic, beyond the Ottoman context. In accordance with recent trends in history writing, such as transnational and international history, presenters might want to think about the scale of their work. Are they telling a local, a regional, or even a transnational or international story? And what are the connections among and across these levels?
In addition to presentations and discussions, the workshop will acquaint participants with two important sources of material for the history of the Greek lands under Ottoman rule: (a) The Historical Archives of the Benaki Museum, housed in the historic Penelope Delta House, that contain Ottoman and Greek materials dating back to the middle of the eighteenth century; (b) The Benaki Museum of Islamic Art which includes strong collections from the Ottoman period. Benaki Curators will give on-site presentations on their Ottoman holdings, manuscripts, art, and material culture.
Organizing Committee (Princeton University): Dimitri Gondicas (Hellenic Studies), Molly Greene (History and Hellenic Studies), Heath Lowry (Near Eastern Studies), Teresa Shawcross (History and Hellenic Studies),
Host Committee (Benaki Museum): Maria Dimitriadou (Historical Archives), Mina Moraitou (Museum of Islamic Art), Tassos Sakellaropoulos (Historical Archives)
Research languages: Preference will be given to candidates who have competence in both Greek and Ottoman Turkish.
The Princeton University Seeger Center for Hellenic Studies will cover the following expenses for all selected participants: up to three nights of accommodation (double occupancy) in Athens and group meals.
Application (in English, via e-mail, with attachments, “Word” documents): (a) cover letter and statement of interest; (b) short proposal (500 words) for a 30-minute presentation on some aspect of work-in-progress related to the themes of the workshop; (c) curriculum vitae; (d) confidential recommendation letter sent directly by dissertation advisor or other academic supervisor to: [email protected] with copy to [email protected]
Deadline for submission of applications, including recommendation letters: May 24, 2013.
Applications will be acknowledged upon receipt. Selected candidates will be notified by May 31, 2013, and will be expected to provide the full text of their papers by June 21, 2013, for advance distribution to workshop participants: speakers, chairs, and respondents.
Applications and all relevant correspondence should be addressed to: [email protected] with copy to [email protected]
Further information:
Seeger Center for Hellenic Studies, Princeton University: http://www.princeton.edu/hellenic/
Mytilene workshop 2010: http://www.princeton.edu/hellenic/program-in-greece/thegreekexperience/mytilene-2010/
Santorini workshop 2007: http://www.princeton.edu/hellenic/program-in-greece/thegreekexperience/santorini-2007/
Benaki Museum Historical Archives: http://www.benaki.gr/index.asp?id=10202&lang=en