The 9th International Conference: Education and Libraries in the Digital Age will focus on the relationship between education and libraries, which is becoming closer and closer since information technology is getting more and more involved.

Libraries aspire to become the hub regarding partnerships among librarians, educators and information specialists for the sake of education at various levels.

For this reason, international, as well as Greek speakers dealing with education, library information and communication technology will deliver talks on topics such as gaming and libraries for educational purposes, network and resource sharing, encouraging reading and library literacy, using all the existing opportunities offered through technology.

Consequently, the potential audience will not only consist of Librarians from various kinds of libraries, but also educators, teachers and IT specialists.


From abroad: Daniel Cassany (Spain), Karen Hartman (USA), Cordula Nötzelmann (Germany), Sara Nordlund-Laurent (Finland), Terhi Piikkilä (Finland), Erik Reuvers (Netherlands)

From Greece: Afroditi Fragkou, Themis Gkion, Georgios Glossiotis, Michalis Kalamaras, Andriani Zafeiropoulou

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