The Midlands 3 Cities Doctoral Training Partnership will be awarding 410 PhD studentships over a five year period to excellent research students in the arts and humanities. The DTP, a collaboration between the universities of Nottingham, Leicester, Birmingham, Nottingham Trent, De Montfort, and Birmingham City, provides research candidates with cross-institutional mentoring, expert supervision including cross-institutional supervision where appropriate, subject specific and generic training, and professional support in preparing for a career.
The University of Nottingham Department of Classics is inviting applications from students with research interests in any of the following branches of Classical studies:
-Greek History and Society
-Greek Literature
-Roman History and Society
-Latin Literature
-Greek and Roman Art and Visual Culture
-Classical Tradition, Reception and Comparative Studies
The deadline for AHRC funding applications is 9 January 2014.
Students must have applied for a place to study and have provided two references to a university within the DTP, by the deadline.
For details on eligibility, funding and research supervision areas contact [email protected] or follow the link given in the Notes box.
Enquiries specifically about doctoral research at Nottingham should be addressed to Professor Alan Sommerstein, Department of Classics, University of Nottingham, University Park, Nottingham NG7 2RD, United Kingdom, +44 (0)115 951 4805, [email protected]