Journal of Intercultural and Interdisciplinary Archaeology (JIIA). Peer reviewed online journal. Available at Editor: Dr. Antonella D’Ascoli
Thematic issue: Consumption of perfumed oil in the ancient Mediterranean and Near East: funerary rituals and other case studies / Consumo di olii profumati nel Mediterraneo e Vicino e Medio Oriente: riti funerari ed altri usi.
The Journal of Intercultural and Interdisciplinary Archaeology (JIIA) invites the submission of papers for a forthcoming issue focusing on the consumption of perfumed oil in the ancient Mediterranean. One of the earliest known uses has been associated to funerary rituals (purification of bones) in the Hittite kingdom. In Egypt, oils and ointments were part of the mummification process as well as personal luxuries used by those in life. Since those first instances, perfumed oils have been present in many cultures of the ancient Near East and the Mediterranean. The Mycenaean palaces mass produced perfumed oil and later the same product resurfaces in Italy and Greece associated to funerary rituals referring to the cult of heroes.
The proposed thematic issue intends to gather multiple perspectives, including scientific ones on the chemistry of the oils themselves, if available, across the whole Mediterranean and spanning from the Bronze to the Iron Ages. The purpose is to evidence similarities and differences in rituals and consumption, attempting to follow a specific product across regional and chronological boundaries. Mediterranean archaeologists often erect artificial boundaries in time and space due to their high specialisation, in order to make the archaeological record more manageable. One of the key aims of JIIA is to discuss themes that help cross boundaries and bridge specialisms. Contributions able to report on and further our understanding of the production and consumption of perfumed oils are invited from any archaeological perspective. It is hoped to publish a number of papers presenting different case studies.
The Journal is an online peer-reviewed academic journal, which is being relaunched after a test run. A limited printed run is planned for the New Series 2014.
Interested participants are kindly requested to send abstracts of no more than 500 words to Dr. Antonella D’Ascoli [email protected] by 15 February 2014.
Accepted papers should not exceed 5,000 words with colour figures at 300 dpi (CMYK). Deadline for first drafts is March 20, 2014, final publication is expected by April 2014.