The celebration of the European Days of Cultural Heritage for 2018 in Greek Museums and archaeological sites comes under the general heading of “ΠOΛ(ε)ΙΣ/CITY(IES)”. The National Archeological Museum is participating with three events.
On Friday September 28 at 10.00 an educational programme will take place called “Travelling to Athens in the 5th century B.C.” for students of the Fourth to Sixth grade in Primary School. Through an exploration of the exhibition space and experiential activities, the students will discover everyday life in ancient Athens with particular emphasis on the way Athenian Democracy operated. Afterwards they will take part in an arts workshop. Duration: 2 hours.
On Friday September 28 at 11:00, a thematic guided tour for adults called “THE PEOPLE’S ΠΟΛ(ε)ΙΣ/CITY(IES)” by archeologists from the Museum. During the tour, aspects of the citizens’ private and public lives will be presented with additional information regarding their integration, rejection as well as examples of social cohesion. Duration: 2 hours. Reservations by calling 213 21448000.
On the same day, Friday September 28 at 17:00, archaeologists of the Museum will give a thematic tour for adults called “Found in Athens: stories of the city through its antiquities”. The tour’s theme are the cultural stratifications of Athens and memories revealed by the antiquities about the timeless life of the city. Duration: 2 hours. Reservations by calling 213 2144800.
It should be noted that on Saturday September 29 and Sunday September 30, admission is free. Participation in the educational activities on Friday September 28 is also free of charge.
Contact details: National Archaeological Museum, 44, 28th October (Patision) Ave., Athens. Opening hours: Monday 13: 00-20: 00, Tuesday-Sunday 08: 00-20: 00.
Tel.: 213 2144800, 213 2144866, -4893. Email: [email protected], website: