The programme of next term’s Classical Archaeology Seminar at the Institute of Classical Studies: ‘The Archaeology of graffiti: Materiality and context of vernacular texts and pictures in the Near East in the Classical periods’ has been announced.

The seminars will be held via Zoom on Wednesdays, at 5pm (GMT).
Free and open to all, but please register online in advance:

The subject of the Seminar is “The Archaeology of graffiti: Materiality and context of vernacular texts and pictures in the Near East in the Classical periods”.

20 January 2021
María-Paz de Hoz (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
Greek graffiti from Asia Minor

3 February 2021
Michael Macdonald (University of Oxford)
Graffiti as a diary. The personal histories of a nomadic people through their graffiti and drawings

17 February 2021
Marco Moriggi (University of Catania) & Ilaria Bucci (Birkbeck College)
A contextual approach to ‘scribblings’ in Northern Iraq: The case of the North Palace at Hatra

3 March 2021
Caroline Barron (Birkbeck College)
Signs of resistance? Epigraphic evidence for the Jewish revolts under Trajan

17 March 2021
Elizabeth Frood (University of Oxford)
“But we’ve seen other walls.” Authority and erasure in graffiti practice at the temple of Amun at Karnak

Organised by Ilaria Bucci ([email protected]) and Jen Baird ([email protected]), Birkbeck College