A Highschool Student Competition for writing Encyclopedia Entries on the Greek Revolution of 1821, entitled “Become a modern encyclopedist”, is being organized by the Onassis Foundation and the Onassis Library, under the auspices of the General Secretariat of Hellenes Abroad and Public Diplomacy. The application form must be submitted by February 18, 2022 to Classroom, the digital platform of the Onassis Foundation.
As stated in a press release by the General Secretariat of Hellenes Abroad, this is a fully participatory digital Competition, addressed to Greek secondary schools in Greece and abroad and concerns the creation, enrichment and translation of entries in the online encyclopedia Wikipedia with the Greek Revolution as its focus.
The General Secretary of Hellenes Abroad and Public Diplomacy Giannis Chrysoulakis pointed out that “the digital character of the Competition gives the opportunity to Greek expatriate school students to study both the history and language of their country of origin through an activity that will digitally unite them with students from Greece and the whole world”. Mr. Chrysoulakis added that the General Secretariat supports all worthy initiatives promoting the Greek language and Greek culture abroad, noting that this specific competition creatively reinforces the speaking of Greek and learning about the country’s history.
Participants will have the opportunity to become familiar with the management of historical sources, understand the function of the online encyclopedia and the importance of open source content, and acquire digital skills while broadening their knowledge. They will also have access to educational digital material and instructions on the writing of entries, documentation and the proper use of Wikipedia through the Onassis Foundation’s digital platform , while more information about the competition can be found on the relevant website of the Onassis Foundation.
The competition is held in partnership with the General State Archives, the Free Software / Open Source Software Company, the PostScriptum company, the Wikipedia Community Schools Association Greece and with the support of the National Documentation Center and approval of the Ministry of Education and Religions.