It is a great pleasure to announce the annual Egyptological Conference in Copenhagen (ECC), held at the University of
Copenhagen on the 10th-12th of May 2022. This student-organized conference aims to create a friendly environment for students in which they can strengthen the connections between Egyptologists and archaeologists across borders and academic levels.
The theme of this year’s conference is Cultural Contact. However, papers on all topics within Egyptology, archaeology,
or similar fields of research are welcome. The theme should embrace both philologists and archaeologists within all
areas of interest due to its affiliation with both texts and material remains its importance across chronological
periods and geographical areas, as well as the many possible aspects and approaches.
We kindly invite all undergraduate, graduate and PhD students and independent researchers to submit an abstract for a presentation at the conference before the deadline on 15th of February 2022. All people with a particular interest in
Ancient Egypt are most welcome to attend the conference.
Practical information
The language of the conference is English. An abstract must consist of a maximum of 200 words and include three keywords. Presenters will be informed of the abstract decisions by the 15th of February 2022. Each presentation is assigned a maximum of 20 minutes, and 10 minutes for Q&A. All abstracts must be submitted by the presenting author to [email protected]
Please note:
-Abstracts submitted to our old email ([email protected]) will NOT be reviewed.
-Only abstracts submitted in PDF format will be reviewed.
-Chosen presenters must pay an insurance fee of 20€ which will be refunded shortly after participation in
the conference.
The ECC committee,
Julie Schwartzlose Christensen & Nea Anna Andersen