This is a Call for Papers for the upcoming conference for Student and Early-Career researchers: Bridging the Gaps: Interconnective Approaches to the Ancient World, Annual UWICAH conference which will take place in Swansea University, on 19-20 November 2022 (Abstract Deadline 31 July).
What roles can the study of the ancient world play in a shifting social and academic landscape which no longer centres on the geopolitical priorities of the West, especially in light of the roles of many historical subdisciplines in the creation and maintenance of narratives of justification of Western domination? Given the breakdown of early ‘grand narratives’ and the welcome rise of postcolonial, postmodern, and local perspectives, it becomes clear that it is impossible for any single subdiscipline to provide meaningful synthesis that is more broadly applicable. To this end, comparative history has undergone something of a revival (e.g. Moreno García, 2020; Ando and Richardson, 2017), to give one example, and recent years have highlighted the need for cross-, multi-, and interdisciplinary and intertemporal research which connects with broader issues and needs outside of individual disciplines and the academy.
This hybrid conference therefore emerges with the purpose of welcoming papers from student and early career researchers engaging with the ancient world of the Mediterranean and WANA regions about any aspect of interconnectivity in the ancient or scholarly world. Emphasising multi-disciplinary and collaborative approaches and methodologies, the conference aims to be a specific contribution to wider narratives of understanding social and political relations on different geographic, spatial, and temporal levels both inside and outside of academic research.
In order to achieve these aims, the committee welcomes paper proposals which may engage with (among other topics):
– Local-regional-international contact and influence
– Interdisciplinary theory and methodology
– Intersectionality and Gender History
– Interconnections in power, authority, and society
– Subaltern groups and marginalised voices
– Archaeology and material culture
– Temple and private religion
– Outreach and public engagement
– Teaching and Pedagogy
– Reception studies
– Contemporary or historiographical memory and recollection
As part of the conference, we also intend to hold a ‘snapshots’ session composed of presentations of projects in their early stages or possible projects that researchers are contemplating. This is an opportunity especially for those who are determining a PhD or Post-Doctoral project, or those who have just started such projects. This session will take the form of brief five-minute presentations, followed by a time of questions and discussion. If you would like to present a snapshot, please make this clear in your submission.
Abstracts of papers must be sent to [email protected] or [email protected] by 31 July. Abstract titles must not exceed 20 words and abstract text a maximum of 300 words. Please also state whether you intend to present in-person or online. Please do not hesitate to get in touch with any queries.