The Department of Classics at Memorial University of Newfoundland and Labrador invites applications for its two-year MA programme in Classics.
Our programme is designed to accommodate students who subsequently wish to continue their academic careers in a PhD programme in the Classics but also students who intend to use the MA programme in Classics as a stepping stone towards a career in an alternate field, such as law, journalism, politics, library studies, or management. Because of our close-knit academic community, we are especially capable of tailoring the programme to our students’ specific needs and goals.
Specific areas of strength are Roman Studies, including literary and cultural studies; Greek literature and historiography; and more broadly, the relation between literary texts and material culture within the various subdisciplines of classical studies.
Memorial University is normally able to provide two years of funding for qualified Canadian and international students. 
For more information, please consult the following websites or contact us directly: