Abstracts are now invited for the 2024 ASOR Session on Gender in the Ancient Near East to be held at the Annual Meeting in Boston between November 20 and 23, 2024. This will be a hybrid session that combines in-person and virtual presentations.
This session pertains to on-going archaeological, art historical, and/or historiographic research into the construction and expression of gender in antiquity, ancient women/womanhood, ancient masculinities (hegemonic
and otherwise), and the engendering of ancient objects and spaces. All approaches and methodologies welcomed.
Abstracts must be submitted *by March 15* via the ASOR online abstract management system:
Further information can be found on the ASOR website:
Please note that ASOR membership
and registration at the 2024 meeting
are required when submitting an abstract. Please also note that, if necessary, one may request a 25%, 50%, or 100% scholarship for annual meeting registration by emailing <[email protected]> with your request and explanation. If you are a scholar from Jordan, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Egypt,
or other regions whose currency strength makes these expenses impossible, please email <[email protected]> with a request for full scholarship (membership and registration).
For any questions regarding the session, please feel free to contact the session chairs:
Stephanie L. Budin (<[email protected]>)
and Debra Foran (<[email protected]>).