31 May 2019 Start
31 May 2019 End
6:45 pm Time
Greece Conference room of the Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene (SAIA)Parthenonos 14, Athens

Τηλ.: 30 210 36 47102
e-mail.: [email protected]

2019 Annual Meeting of the Belgian School

Friday, 31 May 2019

This year’s Annual Meeting of the Belgian School will be taking place at the Italian School of Athens (Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene) the very last day of May.

The director of the EBSA, after a brief welcome speech by H.E. the Ambassador of Belgium Mr Luc Liebaut, will present the exciting field activities at Thorikos, Sissi, and Itanos while also reporting on the numerous other academic activities which took place in 2018.

This presentation will be followed by an intriguing lecture by Prof. Dr Stefan Schorn (KULeuven) on “Bouphonia: ancient Athens’ strangest sacrifice?”.

The event will be celebrated by a reception offered, as always, by the Ambassador in the magnificent terrace of the SAIA.

All welcome!