10 February 2020 Start
14 February 2020 End
Greece Hotel Titania, Panepistimiou 52, Athens


2nd Egyptological Conference

10-14 February 2020

Quod est Superius est sicut Quod est Inferius: The Cosmic Hypostasis and Earthly/Social Function of Women during Antiquity in Egypt and in the Mediterranean Basin

The 2nd Egyptological Conference organized by the Hellenic Institute of
Egyptology, the Universidade Aberta of Lisbon, the Centre of History of the Lisbon University, the Writing & Scripts Centre of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina and the Hellenic Society for Aesthetics, under the Auspices of the Association of Greek Women Scientists will take place in Athens (Hotel Titania).

Honorary Organizing Committee  [HOC]:

Prof. Dr Ismini Kriari (Rector): Panteion University of Social &
Political Sciences, Athens, GR
Em. Prof. Dr Kaiti Kremezi: Nat. Tech. University of Athens & Hellenic
Society for Aesthetics, GR
H.E. Mr Andreas Zaïmis: Former Minister of Hellas, President of the
Association BibAlex Friends, GR

Local & International Organizing Committee  [LOC & IOC]:

Prof. Dr Dr Alicia Maravelia: Hellenic Institute of Egyptology &
Peoples’ University of Athens, GR
Prof. Dr José das Candeias Sales: Universidade Aberta, Lisbon, PT
Dr Telo Canhão: Centre of History, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, PT
Cand. Dr Alexandra Diez de Oliveira: Centre of History, University of
Lisbon, Lisbon, PT
Dr Ahmed Mansour: Writing & Scripts Centre, Bibliotheca Alexandrina,
Alexandria, EG
Dr Themis Dallas: I.A.K.A. Department, University of Thessaly, Volos, GR
Dr Evi Batra: Hellenic Open University & Association of Greek Women
Scientists, Athens, GR
Mrs Sophia Tsourinaki: Hellenic Institute of Egyptology & S.E.N.
Heritage Looms, Athens, GR
Prof. Dr Tesa Doulkeri: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,
Thessaloniki, GR

Scientific Organizing Committee  [SOC]:

Prof. Dr Dr Alicia Maravelia: Hellenic Institute of Egyptology &
Peoples’ University of Athens, GR
Dr Nadine Guilhou: Université de Montpellier III & Hellenic Institute of
Egyptology, FR–GR
Em. Prof. Dr Mona Haggag: University of Alexandria & Archaeological
Society of Alexandria, EG
Prof. Dr Sherin Sadek: Faculty of Letters, cAin Shams University, Cairo, EG
Dr Nika V. Lavrentyeva: Puskin Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow, RU
Prof. Dr Eirini Artemi: Hellenic Open University & Hebrew University of
Jerusalem, GR–IL
Dr Azza Ezzat: Writing & Scripts Centre, Bibliotheca Alexandrina,
Alexandria, EG
Dr Pauline Norris: Independent Scholar, Newtown, Powys, UK
Cand. Dr Alexandra Diez de Oliveira: Centre of History, University of
Lisbon, Lisbon, PT
Mrs Sophia Tsourinaki: Hellenic Institute of Egyptology & S.E.N.
Heritage Looms, Athens, GR
Dr Tatjana A. Sherkova: Centre for Egyptological Studies, Russian Academyof
Sciences, RU
Dr Jocelyne Berlandini: CNRS, Université de Sorbonne, Paris IV, Paris, FR

Final Programme

Sunday 9th & Monday 10th February, 2020

– Arrivals of Delegates and Accommodation in Hotel Titania, Athens,
– Free and Self–Touring Days.
– Possible Visits of the Delegates to the Egyptian Collection of the
Archaeological Museum of Athens (one Free Entry for each Participant).
We also
recommend the Benaki Mu­seum, the Acropolis Museum and the ByzantineMuseum.
– Unofficial Meeting of the SOC and especially of the Co–Organizers from the
Bibliotheca Alexandrina (Egypt), the Universidade Aberta and the
University of Lisbon
(Portugal), to dis­cuss about the Conference and the Publication of the
Proceedings on
Monday afternoon at the Premises of Hotel Titania (16:00´-18:00´).
settling last fi­nancial obligations of the delega­tes and picking up the
Conference bags,
receipts, & c.
– Monday 10th February 19:00´-21:00´: General Assembly ofthe Hellenic
Institute of
Egyp­tology (ONLY for Principal and Founding Members!) at Hotel Titania.

Tuesday 11th February, 2020

Morning Session, 1: Introductory Talks*
[Chairwomen: Prof. Dr Dr Alicia Maravelia & Prof. Dr Eirini Artemi]

08:45´-09:00´: Arrival of the last Delegates at the Conference Venue,
Subscription of the last Delega­tes, Claiming of Conference Materials and Badges, Paperwork, & c.
09:00´-09:10´: Introductory Speech & Welcome by the Representative of
the Director of the Bi­bliotheca Alexandrina (Dr Mustafa ᾽el-Feki), Prof. DrAshraf Farrag.
09:10´-09:15´: Short Welcome by H.E. the Egyptian Ambassador in Athens,
Mr Ismail Khairat.
09:15´-09:20´: Address of the Rector of Panteion University of Athens,
Prof. Dr Ismi­ni Kriari.
09:20´-09:25´: Address of the President of the Hellenic Society for
Aesthetics, Em. Prof. Dr Aikaterini Kremezi.
09:25´-09:30´: Address of the Former Minister of the Hellenic Republic
and President of the Hellenic Chapter of the Association of the Friends of the
Bibliotheca Alexandrina, His Ex­­cel­lency Mr An­dre­as Zaïmis.
09:30´-09:50´: Short Introductory Talks on the Conference’s Scopes by
the Organizers (Prof. Dr José das Candeias Sales, Dr Telo F. Canhão, Cand. Dr Alexandra
Diez de Oliveira, Dr Nadi­ne Guilhou, Dr Ahmed Man­sour, Prof. Dr Dr Alicia
Maravelia and Dr Evi Batra).
09:50´-10:00´: Short Coffee Break (please follow all our Instructions
very carefully; free ONLY for full participations, upon presenting the special coupons and

Morning Session, 2: Manifestation & Cosmic Immanence
of the Sacred Female*
[Chairwoman: Dr Nika V. Lavrentyeva]

10:00´-11:00´: Dr Nadine Guilhou (FR): Le Féminin dans la Création
[Keynote Lecture].
11:00´-12:00´: Prof. Dr Dr Alicia Maravelia (GR): La Quête Éternelle de
la Déesse Céleste et la Fémi­nisation du Firmament: Éléments Astronomiques et
Cosmographiques dans les Aventures de Sinūhe  [Keynote Lecture].
12:00´-12:30´: Mrs Sophia Tsourinaki (GR): A Thread Imbued with Life: The
Manifestation of Οὐρα­νία Aphroditē as a Matron Deity of Spinning
Ἑταίραι in Creating and Engendering the Co­smos.
12:30´-13:00´: Dr Themis Dallas (GR): Celestial Aspects of Aphaia.
13:00´-14:00´: Lunch (please follow all our Instructions very carefully;
free ONLY for full par­ticipations, only one buffet–lunch per day, upon signingand
presenting the special coupon!).

Afternoon Session: The Earthly/Social Status of Women in Ancient Egypt
[Chairwoman: Prof. Dr Dr Alicia Maravelia]

14:00´-15:00´: Prof. Dr Andrzej Niwiński (PL) & Cand. Dr Dagmara Haładaj
(PL): Women in and on the Egyptian 21st Dynasty Coffins  [Keynote Lecture].
15:00´-15:30´: Dr Azza Ezzat (EG): The Symbolism of Drinking from the Tree–
Goddesses emer­ging from Pools.
15:30´-16:00´:  [Excursus]  Mr Markos Filianos (GR) & Prof. Dr Dr Alicia
Maravelia (GR): Re­constructing the Ancient Egyptian Kyphi as a Cosmetic and as an
[Short Film with a Mini  Laboratory on Experimental Archaeology and Botany]
16:00´-16:30´: Dr Ahmed Mansour (EG): A View on the Feminine Existence
in the Wādi ᾽el-Hudi Mining Expeditions.
16:30´-17:00´: Dr Ahmed cAbd ᾽El-Hafez (EG): Female Figurines and
Iconography in Prehistoric Egypt: Artistic and Social Approach.
17:00´-17:30´: Coffee Break (please follow all our Instructions very
carefully; free ONLY for full participations, upon signing and presenting the special coupons!).

Evening Session: Aesthetics, Beauty and Women — The Earthly/Social Status of
Women in Ancient Egypt (Continued) [Chairwoman: Dr Nadine Guilhou]

17:30´-18:30´: Dr Nika V. Lavrentyeva (RU): «You look Lovely, Darling,
in any Garments!»: Wo­men’s Coffins as a Self–Presentation  [Keynote Lecture].
18:30´-19:00´: Dr Hab. Mykola Tarasenko (UA): The Burial Assemblage of
Nesimūt (Bab ᾽el-Ga­sūs, Set A.48): Usurpation or Adaptation?
19:00´-19:30´: Prof. Dr Rogério Susa (PT): Redefining Women’s Identity in
Times of Crisis (The­bes, 21st Dynasty: 1069-945 BC).
19:30´-20:00´: Cand. Dr Islām ᾽Al-Wakeel (EG): The Agricultural Land as
a Female in Ancient Egypt: Impregnation, Pregnancy, Childbirth and Nursing.
20:00´-20:30´: Cand. Dr Gavin Smith (UK): The Egyptian Women/Females in
their Prehistoric Socio –Politi­cal Organisation and Dynamic.

Wednesday 12th February, 2020

Morning Session: Divine Female Archetypes
[Chairman: Prof. Dr Andrzej Niwiński]

09:00´-09:30´: Dr Tatjana Sherkova (RU): The Predynastic Origins of the
Goddess in Ancient Egypt.
09:30´-10:00´: Dr Catarina Apolinário de Almeida (PT): Isis in the Coffin
Texts: The Lady of Life who knits and raises up the Inert One.
10:00´-10:30´: Asst. Prof. Dr Reham A.K. ᾽El-Shewy (EG): WAst: A Personified
Locality and Goddess.
10:30´-11:00´: Asst. Prof. Dr Riham M. Ezz ᾿El-Din Tawfik (EG):
Representations of Goddess Sef­khet–cAbu (%fxt-abw) in Ancient Egypt.
11:00´-11:30´: Cand. Dr Alexandra Diez de Oliveira (PT): The Diachronic
Role of the West–Semi­tic Goddess cAnat in Ancient Egypt.
11:30´-12:00´: Cand. Dr Catarina Pinto (PT): The Anatolian Orientation
of North Inner Syria in the Early Bronze Age (c. 2400-2000 BC): The Signs in
Anthropomorphic and Animal Figurines as Sym­bols of the Goddess.
12:00´-12:30´: Prof. Dr Dr Alicia Maravelia (GR): Une relecture
égyptologique de l’Hymne Orphi­que à la Lune.
12:30´-13:00´: Cand. Dr Carola Leiva (CL): Dark Divinities as Symbols of
the Female Archetype of the Unconscious.
13:00´-14:00´: Lunch (please note that due to the free Reception tonight
only for the full parti­cipants, the lunch today is NOT free for anybody; it must be taken
out of the Hotel!).

Afternoon Session: Key–Role Individual Women, Queenship, & c.
[Chairwoman: Cand. Dr Alexandra Diez de Oliveira]

14:00´-15:00´: Assoc. Prof. Dr Vladimir Bolshakov (RU): Some Reflections
on the Sacral Role of Royal Women of the New Kingdom  [Keynote Lectu­re].
15:00´-15:30´: Dr Telo F. Canhão (PT): The Latter Solution: Neferū–Sobek.
15:30´-16:00´: Mrs Valentina Santini (IT): Enquiry on Merytaten: The
Many Aspects of an Exceptio­nal Amarna Woman.
16:00´-16:30´: Asst. Prof. Dr Reham A.K. ᾽El-Shewy & Assoc. Prof. Dr
Dina M. Ezz ᾽El-Din (EG): Iconography of the Royal Wives in the Old and Middle
Kingdom Scenes:
A Compa­rative and Analy­tical Study.
16:30´-17:00´: Prof. Dr José das Candeias Sales (PT): Arsinoē Thea
Philadelphos: An Ideo­logical and Political Model of Basilissa–Thea of the Ptolemaic Dynasty.
17:00´-17:30´: Mrs Maria Joaquina Ribeiro Carita, MA (PT): La reine
Coushite qui a fait face à l’Em­­pereur César Auguste.
17:30´-18:00´: Coffee Break (please follow all our Instructions very
carefully; free ONLY for full participations, upon signing and presenting the special coupons!).

Evening Session: The Earthly/Social Status of Women in Ancient Egypt
[Chairman: Prof. Dr José das Candeias Sales]

18:00´-19:00´: Dr Pauline Norris (UK): Women and Plants in Ancient Egypt
[Keynote Lectu­re].
19:00´-19:30´: Prof. Dr cAli cAbd ᾽el-Halim cAli (EG): Constant Female
and Recurring Males: New Light on the Ancient Egyptian Triad.
19:30´-20:00´: Dr Reinert Skumsnes (NO): Exceptions to the Rule? The
Women of Medinet Habu.
20:00´-20:30´: Dr Azza Ezzat (EG): How Women were portrayed humorously
in Ancient Egy­ptian Art.

21:00´-23:00´: Reception at the Premises of Titania Hotel(please follow
very carefully all our Instruc­tions; free ONLY for full participations, upon
presenting the special coupon!).

Thursday 13th February, 2020

Morning Session: The Earthly/Social Status of Women
in the Mediterranean Basin [Chairman: Dr Telo F. Canhão]

09:00´-10:00´: Em. Prof. Dr Mona Haggag (Eg): Women in Ptolemaic and Roman
Alexandria: Testi­mony of Tombstones  [Keynote Lecture].
10:00´-10:30´: Prof. Dr Husein cAbd ᾽El-Aziz (EG): The Personification of
Alexandria: Between Ro­man Imperial and Alexandrian Coins.
10:30´-11:00´: Prof. Dr Hanan ᾽El-Shafei (EG): Contraception and
Abortion in Helleno–Roman Egypt.
11:00´-11:30´: Prof. Dr Abir Kassem (EG): Female Musicians in
Hellenistic and Roman Paint­ing.
11:30´-12:00´: Dr Nagwa Ibrahim (EG): Two Unpublished Figurines of Women
in the Helleno–Ro­man Museum of Alexandria.
12:00´-12:30´: Em. Prof. Dr Joan Cichon (USA): The Centrality of Women
in Bronze Age Crete: A Perspective from Archaeomythology.
12:30´-13:10´:  [Excursus]  Dr Ahmed Mansour (EG): The Journey of
Writing  [Short Film and a Talk on the Achievements of the Writing & Scripts Centre of
the BibAlex].
13:10´-14:00´: Lunch (please follow all our Instructions very carefully;
free ONLY for full par­ticipations, only one buffet–lunch per day, upon signingand
presenting the special coupon!).

Afternoon Session: The Earthly/Social and Heavenly Status of Women
in Coptic Egypt [Chairwoman: Prof. Dr Sherin Sadek]

14:00´-15:00´: Prof. Dr Sherin Sadek (EG): La Maternité et l’Enfance
dans l’Art Copte [Key­note Lecture].
15:00´-15:30´: Assoc. Prof. Dr Mary Magdy (EG): L’Héritage Copte des Églises
Monumentales Consa­crées aux Saintes en Égypte.
15:30´-16:00´: Prof. Dr Eirini Artemi (GR/IL): Ascetic Women in Egypt
during the Late Ro­man Anti­quity in the First Six Centuries AD: The Case of Saint Mary
of Egypt.
16:00´-16:30´: Prof. Dr Samah ᾽El-Sawy (EG): Forms of Women Suffering in
Coptic Art: An Archaeo­logical Study from the 4th to the 7th Centuries AD.
16:30´-17:00´: Cand. Dr Markéta Preininger–Svobodová, MA (DE): Divine or
Profane, Pure or Impu­re: Menstrual Blood in the Coptic World.
17:00´-17:30´: Cand. Dr Valeria Kuvatova (RU): Chapel of the Exodus:
Depictions of Women as the Key to understanding the Personality of the Mausoleum’s Owner.
17:30´-18:00´: Mr Elias Krippas (GR): Saint Catherine andHypatia: A
Problematic Identifi­cation.
18:00´-18:30´: Coffee Break (please follow all our Instructions very
carefully; free ONLY for full participations, upon signing and presenting the special coupons!).

Evening Session: Gender Studies & Ancient Textiles
[Chairwoman: Mrs Sophia Tsourinaki]

18:30´-19:00´: Cand. Dr Ellen Jones (UK): From Sex to Social Identities:
Assessing the Role of Wo­men in New Kingdom Tomb Iconography.
19:00´-19:30´: Cand. Dr Thais Rocha da Silva (PT/UK): Revisiting the
Workmen’s Village of Amar­na: Gender and Domestic Space.
19:30´-20:00´: Mrs Nancy A. Hoskins (USA): Ephemeral Fabrics from Egypt
and the Aegean: Be­fo­re and After Tutcankhamūn.

20:00´-20:30´: Mrs Sophia Tsourinaki (GR): Between Ἀθηνᾶ Παρθένος and
Ἄρτεμις Λυσίζω­νος: Archetypal Images, Weaving Tools and Layers of Perception in
the Concept of Women in Clas­sical An­tiquity.
20:30´-21:00´: Tatiana–Stamatia Andreovits (GR): The Construction of
Gender and Age in the 2nd Millennium BC in the Aegean through the Iconography.

21:00´-21:30´: Prof. Dr Dr Alicia Maravelia (GR), Dr Nadine Guilhou
(FR), Dr Ahmed Man­sour (EG), Prof. Dr José das Candeias Sales (PT), Dr Telo F. Canhão
(PT), Cand. Dr Ale­xan­dra Diez de Oliveira (PT): Final Conclu­sions, Proceedings &
End of the Conference.

Friday 14th February 2020

Excursion with visits to two Museums. The excur­sion will take placeby
bus, from Athens to Vraurōn (site and Museum) and Marathōn, to see the temple of
the Egyptian gods there (site and Museum of Brexiza). Dr Themis Dal­las (and
pos­sibly the local Inspector of Antiquities) will offer a short guided tour, with
em­pha­sis on the ar­chaeoastronomical orientation of the sanctuary. Please inform us if
you are in­terested in parti­cipating latest upon arrival in Athens! There will be no free