13 June 2024 Start
6 June 2024 End
6 pm EST Time
USA Online

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Ancient Egypt in the Eyes of Medieval Arab Scholars

13 June 2024

Ancient Egyptian heritage has always fascinated the visitors of Egypt through the ages. Due to the fame of Egypt as the land of science and wisdom, many medieval Arab scholars visited the country to study its heritage and ancient scriptures. Some of them were chemists, others were sufis, yet all their efforts contributed to a better understanding of ancient Egypt.
To learn more about the motivations of the Arab scholars, their efforts, and the level of success in their endeavor to study ancient Egypt, join ECEB’s lecture on 13 June at 6 pm EST via ZOOM.
The lecture will be presented by Dr. Okasha El Daly (PhD), the author of “Egyptology: The Missing Millennium: Ancient Egypt in Medieval Arabic Writings, UCL Press, 2005.”
For registration, and to receive the ZOOM meeting link, send an email to [email protected]