16 November 2016 Start
16 November 2016 End
7.30 p.m. Time
Greece Canadian Institute, Dionysiou Aiginitou 7, Athens

Τηλ.: +30 (210) 722-3201 +30 (210) 725-7968
e-mail.: [email protected]

A Community at the Crossroads: Prehistoric Southern Euboea & the Aegean in Light of New Survey Data

November 16, 2016

Dr Žarko Tankosić (Higher Executive Officer, The Norwegian Institute at Athens) will give a lecture entitled “A Community at the Crossroads: Prehistoric Southern Euboea & the Aegean in Light of New Survey Data”.

In his talk Dr Žarko Tankosić will focus on southern Euboea (Karystia), which is a part of the Aegean that has been largely overlooked in models put in place to explain the prehistoric Aegean island colonization and maritime interactions. The data show a lively area, whose inhabitants were fully immersed into the prehistoric maritime koine, at least during the Final Neolithic and the Early Bronze Age. They also paint a picture of the region at the crossroads, bridging the insular world of the Cyclades and the Greek mainland.

Dr  Tankosić will outline several issues plaguing our understanding of the Karystia’s place in the prehistoric Aegean and address them using evidence from the area. In the process, he will also engage with broader topics, such as identity, community, insularity, and connectivity. Moreover, he will present new results from the recently completed Norwegian survey project in the Karystia.

The event is organized by The Canadian Institute in Greece