31 January 2022 Start
31 January 2022 End
7:30 pm (EET) Time
Zoom lecture


Currents and commodities

Monday, January 31, 2022

This semester’s Public Lectures of the University of Cyprus (Archaeological Research Unit) are held virtually only via ZOOM (without physical presence at the ARU) at 7:30 pm (EET). All Monday lectures are free and open to the public, but registration is required for access to the ZOOM lecture. For registration, please, click here:–srzgrG9DU1MDxpTwQ7BOgdG6ySOfj

The first of the 57th Public Lecture Series will be presented by Prof. Scott M. Fitzpatrick | Professor of Archaeology, Department of Anthropology, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, USA, Associate Director for Research, Museum of Natural & Cultural History
Co-Editor, The Journal of Island & Coastal Archaeology. Prof. Scott M. Fitzpatrick will address the topic “Currents and commodities: How oceanographic effects influenced the prehistoric colonization of islands”.


For many island societies worldwide, the acquisition and exchange of prized resources was fundamental to developing and maintaining social, political, and economic relationships. The patchiness of resources like stone, clay, tempering agents, shell, and animals often led to differential access which then helped to fuel the rise of social complexity. This presentation considers questions of resource acquisition as mediated by oceanographic and wind conditions, comparing results from archaeological projects in the Pacific and the Caribbean.

Short bibliography and/or website on lecture topic:

Scott M. Fitzpatrick and Richard Callaghan, 2013. Estimating Trajectories of Colonization to the Mariana Islands, Western Pacific. Antiquity 87:840-853.

Scott M. Fitzpatrick, 2013. Seafaring Capabilities in the Pre-Columbian Caribbean. Journal of Maritime Archaeology 8(1):101-138.

Scott M. Fitzpatrick, 2013. The Southward Route Hypothesis. In The Oxford Handbook of Caribbean Archaeology (W. Keegan, C. Hofman, and R. Rodgriguez Ramos, eds.):198-204. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Scott M. Fitzpatrick and Richard Callaghan (invited), 2008.  Seafaring Simulations and the Origin of Prehistoric Settlers to Madagascar. In Islands of Inquiry: Papers in Honour of Atholl Anderson (G. Clark and S. O’Connor, eds.): 55-66. Australian National University Press, Canberra. Terra Australis 29.

For further information and the full programme of the 57th Public Lecture Series click here