20 June 2022 Start
21 June 2022 End
Italy Turin

e-mail.: [email protected]

Dangerous Histories

20-21 June 2022

The International Conference “Storie Pericolose / Dangerous Histories” will take place in Turin (Italy), on 20-21 June 2022.

The History Department at the University of Turin is promoting an international conference to present to a wide audience, not just academics, a series of striking cases of manipulation of the past and censorship of historical research that make the task of the historian a “dangerous” profession today.

Live streaming sessions are available at:
password: storiepericolose


Monday 20 June (Palazzo Nuovo, aula 35, via S. Ottavio 20) – 10am CET

Gianluca Cuniberti – Massimo Vallerani (University of Turin)
Perché la storia diventa pericolosa: università, ricerca e politica del passato

Antoon de Baets (University of Groningen)
Attacks on the Freedoms of Historical Research and Teaching in 2022

Aditya Mukherjee (Centre for Historical Studies, Jawaharal Nehru University, New Delhi)
Misuse of History: Assault on Democracy in India

Jordi Canal (EHESS Paris)
Nacionalismos e historia en la España del siglo XXI

Carmine Pinto (University of Salerno)
La Herencia de la tribu. Repressione, invenzione e riscrittura della storia in un paese dell’America Latina

Silvia Sonetti (University of Salerno)
Il lupo e l’agnello: il Risorgimento tra mitologie e falsificazioni

Monday 20 June (Palazzo Nuovo, aula 35, via S. Ottavio 20) – 3pm CET

Alberto Masoero (University of Turin)
Why did Memorial become dangerous, and why now?

Alexander Makhov (Polish Academy of Sciences)
Under the State Supervision: Ideological, Organizational and Legal Control over Academic History in Russia

Andrea Gullotta (University of Glasgow)
History in Danger: Sandormokh as a Battleground of Russia’s Memory War on the Gulag


Tuesday 21 June 2022 (Aula Magna Rettorato, via Po 17) – 10am CET

Raphaelle Branche (University of Paris Nanterre)
L’accès aux archives “secret défense” en France depuis 15 ans: administration, pouvoir politique et écriture de l’historie

Fabrice Receputi (Paris)
La bataille pour l’ouverture des archives sur la guerre d’Algérie (1980-2000)

Sonia Combe (Centre Marc Bloch, Berlin)
Archive policy: how to regulate standards of writing contemporary history in democracy

Lorenzo Kamel (University of Turin)
Epistemic violence, occluded knowledges

Tuesday 21 June 2022 (Aula Magna Rettorato, via Po 17) – 3pm CET

Çiğdem Maner (Koc University, Istanbul)
Fragments of an Angle: The Memory of Hidden Place Names in Turkey

Alice Borgna (University of Eastern Piedmont)
Tutte storie di maschi bianchi? L’antichistica alla prova della decolonizzazione

Michele Bellomo (University of Milan)
Vittorio Saldutti (University of Naples Federico II)
Emilio Zucchetti (Newcastle University)
Memorie pericolose. Abbattere statue e ripensare il passato fra antico e moderno

Round Table