23 September 2014 Start
23 September 2014 End
6.00-8.00 p.m. Time
Egypt German Archaeological Institute Cairo, 31, Sharia Abu el Feda 11211, Cairo - Zamalek

Τηλ.: +20 (0)2 2735-1460, +20 (0)2 2735-2321. Fax : +20 (0)2 2737-0770
e-mail.: [email protected]

Excavations of the IFAO at Istabl Antar (Fustat)

September 23, 2014

“Excavations of the IFAO at Istabl Antar (Fustat)”

Lecture by Dr. Roland-Pierre Gayraud, organized by the German Archaeological Institute in Cairo.

Roland-Pierre Gayraud is a senior research fellow in the “Laboratoire d’Archéologie
Médiévale et Moderne en Méditerranée” of the CNRS at the Aix-Marseille University
(AMU). Since 1985 he is the director of the excavations of the Institut Français
d’Archéologie Orientale at Istabl Antar (Fustat). He has published extensively on
Islamic archaeology and is a specialist in Islamic ceramics of the Mediterranean.