23 February 2021 Start
23 February 2021 End
11:00 to 12:00 Time
Online event


Greek Manuscripts in Cambridge Libraries

Tuesday, 23 February, 2021

The next of the ‘Greek Dialogues’ hosted by the Cambridge Centre for Greek Studies will be a presentation by Dr Suzanne Paul, Keeper of Rare Books and Early Manuscripts at the University Library (Cambridge), of the work of the Polonsky Foundation Greek Manuscripts Project. This project centres on the conservation and digitisation of mediaeval Greek manuscripts at Cambridge (in conjunction with partner projects in Heidelberg and The Vatican).

More details here:
If you’d like to attend, and/or go on the CCS mailing list, please email our administrator Gregg Baldwin ([email protected]).

Dr Suzanne Paul, Keeper of Rare Books and Early Manuscripts at Cambridge University Library, and the team, reveal insights into The Polonsky Foundation Greek Manuscripts Project, which aims to conserve, catalogue, and digitise the medieval and early modern Greek manuscripts in Cambridge’s extensive collections. The project is being run in partnership with Heidelberg University and the Vatican and is funded by The Polonsky Foundation.