17 November 2015 Start
17 November 2015 End
6.30pm Time
UK The British Institute at Ankara, Wolfson Auditorium, 10 Carlton House Terrace, London SW1Y 5AH

Τηλ.: 020 7969 5204 f: 020 7969 5401
e-mail.: [email protected]

Helen of Troy – Goddess, princess, seductress

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Bettany Hughes will give the Annual Lecture of the British Institute at Ankara, titled “Helen on Troy – Goddess, princess, seductress”.

Following a decade of research Bettany Hughes will explore the figure of Helen of Troy in her cultural, literary and historical guises. The ‘World’s Desire’ has been a constant presence in the human imagination for 27 centuries – this evening Hughes will chart those points in the archaeological record where fact and fiction graze. A unique exploration of both historical landscapes and ideas about what it is to be human.

Free for BIAA Members/£10 for non-BIAA Members. Please visit the website to book