Historical Change in the Ancient Aegean: An International Conference in the hounor of John K. Davies.
Conference organized by the University of Crete to honour the contribution to the study of Greek history of Prof. J.K. Davies. Organizers: Katerina Panagopoulou, Kostas Vlassopoulos
Building on Davies’ work, the conference focuses on a major aspect of ancient Greek history: the issue of historical change in its various facets. Participants will explore the various aspects of historical change (political, military, legal, institutional, social, economic, religious, identity change), the periodizations and narratives of change, and the change in the nature of our sources and how these reflect historical change.
The conference will take place electronically through Zoom, between October 16-18 2020.
To attend, please register here.
Further details, including paper abstracts, can be found at the conference’s webpage here :
For a quick preview, we append below the conference programme.
Friday 16/10
All times are local Greek time.
First panel: Political and Military Change
10.30-11.00 Katerina Panagopoulou (Crete) – Kostas Vlassopoulos (Crete): Introduction
11.00-11.30 Discussion
11.45-12.15 Mait Kõiv (Tartu): Political change
12.15-12.45 Discussion
12.45-13.15 Coffee break
13.15-13.45 Hans van Wees (UCL): Military change
13.45-14.15 Discussion
Second Panel: Institutional, Legal and Identity Change
16.15-16.45 Gunnar Seelentag (Hannover): Institutional change
16.45-17.15 Discussion
17.30-18.00 Edward Harris (Durham): Legal change
18.00-18.30 Discussion
18.30-19.00 Coffee break
19.00-19.30 Ioannis Xydopoulos (Thessaloniki): Identities and change
19.30-20.00 Discussion
Saturday 17/10
Third Panel: Social, Economic and Maritime Change
10.30-11.00 Kostas Vlassopoulos (Crete): Social change
11.00-11.30 Discussion
11.45-12.15 David Lewis (Edinburgh): Economic change
12.15-12.45 Discussion
12.45-13.15 Coffee break
13.15-13.45 Vincent Gabrielsen (Copenhagen): Maritime change
13.145-14.15 Discussion
Fourth Panel: Narratives of Change
16.00-16.30 Marek Węcowski (Warsaw): The Archaic narrative
16.30-17.00 Discussion
17.15-17.45 Christy Constantakopoulou (Birkbeck): The Classical narrative
17.45-18.15 Discussion
18.15-18.45 Coffee break
18.45-19.15 Andrew Meadows (Oxford): The Hellenistic narrative
19.15-19.45 Discussion
20.00-20.30 Nikolaos Giannakopoulos (Athens): The Roman narrative
20.30-21.00 Discussion
Sunday 18/10
Fifth Panel: Sources and Change 1
10.30-11.00 Veronique Chankowski (ÉFA) & Andrzej Chankowski (Lille): Change in the epigraphic sources
11.00-11.30 Discussion
11.45-12.15 Paola Ceccarelli (UCL): Change in the literary sources
12.15-12.45 Discussion
12.45-13.15 Coffee break
13.15-13.45 Robin Osborne (Cambridge): Material culture change
13.45-14.15 Discussion
Sixth Panel: Sources and Change 2
16.00-16.30 Katerina Panagopoulou (Crete): Monetary change
16.30-17.00 Discussion
17.15-17.45 Manuela Mari (Bari): Religious change
17.45-18.15 Discussion
18.30-19.00 John K. Davies (Liverpool): Response