26 October 2013 Start
26 October 2013 End
9.30 am -5.30 pm Time
UK Institute of Archaeology, UCL, lONDON

Τηλ.: +44 (0) 20 7679 7495

In the Footsteps of Petrie

Saturday 26 October 2013

A conference dedicated to the pioneering archaeologist-Egyptologist Sir William Matthew Flinders Petrie, organised by the Institute of Archaeology (UCL) and the Friends of the Petrie Museum.

The conference, exploring Flinders Petrie’s world of excavation and collecting, is organised as part of the Friends of the Petrie Museum’s 25th anniversary celebrations and in honour of Petrie’s 160th birthday.

Speakers and Lectures

•Prof. Stephen Quirke, Framing Petrie, ther worlds of Archaeology and Egypt 1853-1942

•Dr Campbell Price, While Sculls Bobbed Around on the Waves: Petrie at Hawara

•Dr Tine Bagh, Its All About the Money: Financing Petrie’s excavations

•Dr Paolo Del’Vesco, In the Company of Petrie: letters, notebooks and pocket diaries in the archive of the Petrie Museum

•Dr Alice Stevenson, The Greneral and the Young Surveyor: Petrie, Pitt-Rivers and Victorian archaeology

Please, book your seats through the Frends of the Petrie Museum website.