25 June 2020 Start
25 June 2020 End

Keeping Archaeology Together

June 25, 2020

In times of global crisis, not only freedom and opportunities that we enjoy but also research and scientific development, are being limited. A great example of this is archaeology, which is the one that is most affected by a widespread pandemic. Closed borders and universities, limited forms of transport and laboratory work make research impossible, or difficult at least. Considering the lack of space to debate archaeology, which is so essential for the career and development of an early career researcher, PhD students of the Antiquity of Southeastern Europe Research Centre at the University of Warsaw, in cooperation with PhD students of the Faculty of History and Faculty of Oriental Studies University of Warsaw, supported by the State Archaeological Museum in Warsaw, would like to invite to participate in the International ​Online Conference entitled ​”Keeping​Archaeology Together”,​ which aims to integrate young researchers of the past.

The motto of the conference is a broadly understood integration, therefore we invite you to submit papers and speeches to sessions with a wide range of themes. These include:

  1. Archeology of the New World

The session is addressed to researchers at the beginning of their careers who conduct investigations in both Americas. Session issues will focus on the archaeology of this region during the pre-Columbian period and in later times. The purpose of the session is to exchange experiences and present the results of ongoing projects as well as the impact they have on expanding our knowledge about the society, economy, and art of Americas. The important goal is to stimulate discussions on various aspects of current research and applied methodology.

Languages of the session: English, Spanish.​

  1. European Prehistory

This session is dedicated to the socio-cultural and economic transformations of the Stone Age, Bronze Age, as well as the beginning of the Iron Age, related to issues ranging from technological analyses of flint tools or pottery, through phenomenologies of cultural phenomena of the Bronze Age communities, production of metal objects, to interactions of the period of Roman influence and peoples’ migration.

Languages of the session: Polish, English, Russian.​

  1. Archaeology of ancient Egypt and the Near East

This session invites papers discussing all aspects of ancient Egyptian and Near East cultures from prehistoric times until the Graeco-Roman period. The panel will contain multiple topicalized sessions which will host genuine contributions working with philological, linguistic, archaeological etc. methodologies on ancient Egyptian and the Near Eastern cultures material. The topic of the sessions (eg. religion, linguistics, art, architecture etc.) will be determined by the organizers after assembling the contributions.

Session language: English​

  1. Mediterranean Archaeology

This session is dedicated to archaeological research in the Mediterranean region. It concerns ancient civilizations such as Minoans and Phoenicians, Greece and Rome in the classical and late antique periods, as well as the material culture of Byzantium and Islam in the medieval period. Young scholars will have a chance to present their research on various social and economic aspects of human life in the Mediterranean from the Strait of Gibraltar to Mount Lebanon and from the Gulf of Venice to Pharos island.

Session language: Polish, English​

  1. Archeology of Central Asia and the Far East

This session focuses on the history and archaeology of Central Asia and the Far East from prehistoric times to modernity. The issues discussed include trade, economy, as well as the contacts between the areas included in the above mentioned areas, and other parts of the world. Furthermore, we invite everyone interested to discuss religious and cultural themes, as well as social, linguistic and epigraphic/papirological issues.

Language of the session: Polish​

  1. Digital Archaeology 

Session about the use of digital methods in archaeology. We would like to invite PhDs and early career researchers to present their current case studies and projects, in which they use digital methods and would like to share the final results achieved thanks to them.

Language of the the session: English​

  1. Archeology of the Middle Ages

The session is dedicated to early and late Medieval Archaeology in its wider meaning. We welcome papers on the history of material culture, crafts, trade, settlement, everyday life, but also about sociological and cultural changes or interdisciplinary studies on the Middle Ages.

Languages of the session: Polish, English​

  1. Archaeology and crisis

This session is dedicated to the problem of crisis, defined as changes and breakdowns of economic or social nature, which are common for a given region or period in history. We invite you to submit papers on issues oriented not only in the direction of the crisis in archaeological records (warfare, disease or natural disasters), but also the place of archaeology and  research on world heritage in such a hard time.

Languages of the session: Polish, English

  1. Research projects of PhD students of the Antiquity of Southeastern Europe Research Centre at the University of Warsaw

Session dedicated to research projects of PhD students of the Antiquity of Southeastern Europe Research Centre at the University of Warsaw.

Language of the session:​ Polish​

Important information: The conference will be held via “Zoom” platform. Accepted presenters will receive a link to each session together with a confirmation email.

Language of the conference: Depending on the session

The form of the presentation:

– lectures (15 min.)

– speeches (10 min.)

If you would like to join our conference as a passive participant, please register here:

Registration fee: No conference fees

Additional information: [email protected]