13 February 2023 Start
13 February 2023 End
6:00 pm Time
USA The Institute of Fine Arts, 1 East 78th Street, New York, NY 10075 and on Zoom


Michelangelo, Giuliano da Sangallo, and the Anti-Canon

Monday, February 13, 2023

Cammy Brothers, Associate Professor, Northeastern University, will address the topic “Michelangelo, Giuliano da Sangallo, and the Anti-Canon”, in the framework of the Craig Hugh Smyth Lectures of the Institute of Fine Arts.

In-Person and Virtual Lecture*. Advance registration is required


Much of the history of fifteenth and sixteenth century Italian architecture has been narrated in relation to the idea of canon formation. The protagonists of this narrative, Brunelleschi, Bramante, Antonio da Sangallo, Serlio and Palladio, are all seen as having made advances in the direction of establishing the true and correct formation of the classical orders. Later developments in classical architecture only further cemented this tradition. Despite the dominance of this interpretation, it omits the contribution of a number of prominent and important Renaissance and later architects, including but not limited to Giuliano da Sangallo, Baldassare Peruzzi, Raphael, Michelangelo, Giulio Romano, and later Borromini. Professor Brothers’ talk will define this alternative tradition, particularly through the figures of Michelangelo and Giuliano, and argue that it constitutes an anti-canonical canon.

Cammy Brothers is an Associate Professor at Northeastern University, where she holds a joint appointment in Architecture and in Art & Design. She joined Northeastern in 2016 from the University of Virginia, where she held the Valmarana Chair and was Director of the Venice Program. She is the author of two monographs, Michelangelo, Drawing and the Invention of Architecture (2008) and Giuliano da Sangallo and the Ruins of Rome (2022). She has a third book project under way, “The Architectural Legacy of Islamic Spain,” which focuses on the cities of Granada and Seville in the aftermath of the reconquest.

*The program will be presented onsite at the James B. Duke House and live-streamed to those who join us by Zoom. Zoom details will be available upon registration for virtual attendees. All in-person attendees must be in compliance with NYU’s COVID-19 vaccination requirements (fully vaccinated and boosted, once eligible and by NYU’s deadline) and be prepared to present proof of compliance. Please review the University’s COVID guidelines in advance of your visit

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