EIA Aegean ECR Group Mini-Conference: Words and Numbers Thursday December 7th, 2023 | 3-6pm (GMT)
The conference will be hosted on Zoom
The mini-conference of the LBA/EIA/Archaic Aegean group will be on the theme of Words and Numbers and hosted via Zoom on 7 December 2023, 3-6pm UK time.
The event is being co-organised and chaired by Dr Dominic Pollard, Visiting Assistant Professor at the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World at New York University.
As archaeologists, ancient historians and classicists, we are traditionally well-versed in the qualitative or interpretive study of material culture and the content of textual sources. For this mini-conference, we are exploring the idea that, while recognising the value of these traditional tools of analysis, one can look to apply novel theoretical and methodological approaches to ancient material and textual evidence. We are particularly interested in textual research that moves beyond treating the content of historical and epigraphic sources in isolation (e.g. through computational analyses, or considering the materiality or reception of such evidence), and archaeological work that employs statistical, spatial or other quantitative methods to identify and interpret patterning in the archaeological record. Please see the full programme below.
This is to be the fifth in a series of meetings aimed at laying the foundations for a network of Early Career Researchers with interests broadly embracing the archaeology of the Aegean region from the Late Bronze to the Archaic Period. The network first met in 2021 on the initiative of James Whitley, Robin Osborne and Irene Lemos, largely aiming to connect scholars who had not had opportunity to meet one another during lockdown phases of the pandemic. Events are designed to provide opportunities for PhD/DPhil students and early-stage postdocs to make short presentations relating to their research interests and to receive helpful and constructive feedback from their peers.
We are keen that the network should evolve and develop over time and would therefore welcome the participation of any Early Career Researchers who are not already on our mailing list with interests broadly in LBA/EIA/Archaic Aegean Archaeology. Please therefore feel free to forward this email to any colleagues or students whom you think might be interested in participating. Anyone wishing to participate should contact Michael Loy, contact details below, to request a Zoom link for the event. Please note, though, that we prefer to keep this mini-conference as a ‘closed’ event for ECRs, to maintain the informal, work-in-progress and workshop nature of the group.
A second, in-person, even for the network is currently scheduled to take place over the course of the academic year, currently planned to take place in Oxford in April and organised by Myrto Kokkalia and Filippos Roussos.
EIA Aegean ECR Group Mini-Conference: Words and Numbers Thursday December 7th, 2023 | 3-6pm (GMT)
The conference will be hosted on Zoom
15:00 Welcome: Dominic Pollard/Michael Loy
15:05 Paper 1: Nathaniel Kramer (Dartmouth College)
Mapping Diachronic Change in the Settlement Organization of Sparta: A GIS-Based Approach.
15:25 Discussion
15:45 Paper 2: Jesse Obert (University of Pittsburgh)
Historiographic Social Network Analysis: Testing Models of Violence on Ancient Crete.
16:05 Discussion
16:25 Paper 3: Hannah Liedl (Durham University)
Skeletal trauma at Phaleron: Exploring risk and interpersonal violence in archaic Athens.
16:45 Discussion
17:05 Paper 4: Andriana Xenaki (University of Cambridge)
Point Process Modelling of Human-Landscape Relations in Eastern Crete.
17:25 Discussion
17:45 Final comments: Paul Christesen (Dartmouth College)
18:00 Close
Chair: Dominic Pollard
Group convenors: Irene Lemos, Michael Loy, Robin Osborne, James Whitley