Join us this coming Thursday, 13th May, at 4.30pm CET for our SCRIBO Seminar with Professor Nicoletta Momigliano (University of Bristol): “In search of labyrinths and scripts: Aegean Bronze Age writings in modern art, literature, music, and other cultural practices”.
The SCRIBO Seminars are the first ever seminar series devoted to the invention of writing, from its earliest records five thousand years ago (from China, Mesopotamia, Central America, Egypt, the Indus Valley, the Mediterranean), to more recent cases such as Easter Island. The relationship between writing systems and icons, semasiography and other symbol-systems (emojis too) will also be a focus, as well as current trends in decipherment strategies and progress in understanding ancient undeciphered scripts.
We will invite experts in linguistics, semiotics, archaeology, epigraphy, anthropology, cognitive studies, and cultural evolution, who will show us how much creativity, originality, and imagination lies behind one of the greatest inventions in the world.
SCRIBO is sponsored by the INSCRIBE (Invention of Scripts and their Beginnings) ERC Project and is held online for the duration of the Covid-19 pandemic. In the future (hopefully) it will be held at the Department of Classical Philology and Italian Studies (FICLIT) at the University of Bologna. The language of the Seminars will be English.
The link to the Zoom session is direct: