Sparta and its international relations is the subject of this week’s Sparta Live Event, to be presented by Professor Thomas Figueira (Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey) and Dr. Richard Evans (University of Leicester).
Professor Figueira will discuss how Spartan “foreign affairs” reflected the social structure/institutional matrix of Spartan society. Various policy initiatives, such as decisions to intervene abroad, represented coping mechanisms that were intended to minimize shock or stress on internal socioeconomic conditions.
Dr. Evans will argue that the Spartan diplomacy was based on a game of paranoia and deception and will examine the cracks in their diplomatic story, and where we can see the Spartans attempting to deceive through their inter-state relationships.
Professor Emeritus Stephen Hodkinson (UoN) and Dr. Petros Doukas, Mayor of Sparti, will host the webinar, on Thursday the 23rd of July, 5.00 -6.00 pm (BST); the event will be recorded.
To join, click here.
It is advisable you attend the meeting via the MS Teams App, which you can download from here.
Summaries of the talks can be found on the event webpage.