2 December 2024 Start
2 December 2024 End
19.00 (EEST) Time
Greece The Netherlands Institute at Athens, Makri 11, 117 42, Athens


Studying the dynamics of the LBA Mycenaean taskscape in the Argolid

December 2, 2024

The Netherlands Institute at Athens is happy to announce the next ATLAS-lecture, which will take place on 2 December at 19.00 in the Institute’s library at Makri 11.

On this occasion Prof. dr. Ann Brysbaert (Director of the NIA and Professor of Ancient Technologies, Materials and Crafts at the Faculty of Archaeology of Leiden University) will be talking on:

Studying the dynamics of the LBA Mycenaean taskscape in the Argolid through labour cost research and digital technologies.

ATLAS aims to discuss current research concerned with the study of past landscapes in the eastern Mediterranean. This includes studies dealing with administrative, warfare, economic or infrastructural issues as well as with socio-political, funerary and ritual landscapes. Phenomenological and ontological studies are also welcome in order to include research on intangible landscapes that address theoretical matters such as marginality, mobility or ideological and mental landscapes and their perception. Chronologically the seminar wishes to include research from the Palaeolithic to Late Antiquity.

Finally, the seminar will examine the methodologies applied in landscape studies and mapping processes, in order to discuss advantages as well as shortcomings and interpretational pitfalls of specific state-of-the-art spatial analyses and cartographic practices.

The ATLAS-lecture series is organised by:

EBSA – Belgian School at Athens- Belgische School te Athene – Ecole belge d’Athènes – Βελγική Σχολή Αθηνών

NIA – Netherlands Institute at Athens – Het Nederlands Instituut Athene – Ολλανδικό Ινστιτούτο Αθηνών

DAI – German Archaeological Institute at Athens – Deutsches Archäologisches Institut – Γερμανικό Ινστιτούτο Αθηνών

Dipylon – Εταιρεία Μελέτης Αρχαίας Τοπογραφίας