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25 April 2015 Start
25 April 2015 End
Greece Cotsen Hall, ASCSA, 9 Anapiron Polemou Street, 10676 Athens

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Telling the whole story at multi-period sites

Saturday, April 25, 2015

A one-day workshop organized by the Athens-Greece Society of the Archaeological Institute of America and the American School of Classical Studies at Athens. Keynote Speaker is Dr. Gaetano Palumbo, Program Director, North Africa, the Middle East, and Central Asia, World Monuments Fund.

This workshop addresses the problems in interpreting and presenting multi-period archaeological sites to the public. The majority of archaeological sites have long histories, like Corinth, which was occupied continuously from the Neolithic period down to the Greek War of Independence.

The complex and multi-period nature of the archaeological record usually leads interpreters to focus on the most prominent archaeological period of a site. In some cases this approach involves substantial reconstruction work, sacrificing the evidence from other periods. As a consequence, the multi-period nature of these sites is obscured and other phases are pushed into the background.

Highlighting one period, however, is not the only problem with multi-period sites and their interpretation. In most cases, architectural remains from different chronological periods stand side by side, thus presenting a confusing view of the site. Information available to visitors does not adequately clarify the long history of the site.

The aim of this workshop is to examine best practices, case studies, and solutions to these problems. Topics for discussion include the use of multimedia and virtual reality programs, guidebooks and guided tours that tell the complete history of the site, and signage and gps-linked handheld devices that associate visible remains with their history. Sites that will be the focus for discussion are Ancient Corinth, Messene, Olympia, and Phaistos.

Preliminary Program

9:00 am Welcome – Prof. James Wright (ASCSA)

9:05 am Introduction – Prof. Olga Palagia (University of Athens)

9:15 am Keynote Speaker – Dr. Gaetano Palumbo (WMF)

10:00 am Corinth – Dr. Guy Sanders (ASCSA)

10:40 am Discussion

11:00 am Coffee break

11:30 am Olympia – Prof. Reinhard Senff (DAI)

12:10 pm Phaistos – Prof. Pietro Militello (University of Catania)

12:50 pm Messene – Prof. Petros Themelis (University of Crete)

1:30 pm Discussion

2:00 pm Lunch for speakers, organizers, and invited guests only

The Organizing Committee:

Dr. Mary K. Dabney
Senior Associate Member
American School of Classical Studies at Athens

Dr. Ioannis Georganas
AIA Athens-Greece Society

Prof. Olga Palagia
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
AIA Athens-Greece Society