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19 July 2013 Start
14 October 2013 End
Monday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday: 8.30-15.30 Wednesday: 10.00-15.00 & 18.00-20.00 Tuesdays closed Time
Greece National Gallery – Alexandros Soutzos Museum, Coumantaros Art Gallery - Sparta Annex, 123 K. Palaiologou str. & Thermopylon str. 23100 Sparta

Τηλ.: 27310 81822, 27310 81557
e-mail.: [email protected]

The ’80s Generation Greek Painting

July 19 - October 14, 2013

The ’80s Generation. Contemporary Greek Painting from the Sotiris Felios Collection.

The exhibition showcases the works of 17 Greek painters: Christos Bokoros, Stefanos Daskalakis, Thanassis Makris, Giorgos Rorris, Kalliopi Asargiotaki, Michalis Manousakis, Tasos Mantzavinos, Tassos Missouras, Xenophon Bitsikas, Achilleas Papacostas, Edouard Sacaillan, Kostas Argiris, Kostas Papanikolaou, Kostas Papantriantafyllopoulos, Marilitsa Vlachaki, Anna-Maria Tsakali, Maria Filopoulou.

Curators of the exhibition: Marina Lambraki-Plaka, Georgia Kakourou-Chroni (curator of the National Gallery of Greece, responsible for the Sparta Branch of the National Gallery)