20 March 2023 Start
20 March 2023 End
at 4.00 pm (UK) / 6.00 pm (Greece) Time
Greece British School at Athens, 52 Souidias, 106 76 Athens / online


The case of Ancient Karthaia, Kea

Monday, 20 March 2023

The next Upper House Seminar will take place on Monday 20 March at 4pm (UK) / 6pm (Greece):

Bodies in motion: experiencing the sacred in ancient Greece.  The case of Ancient Karthaia, Kea

Speaker: Dr Tulsi Parikh (A.G. Leventis Fellow in Hellenic Studies, BSA)

You can participate in the event either in-person in Athens or live online via Zoom.


How did sacred landscapes shape religious experience and to what extent were sacred landscapes in turn shaped by religious experience? In this paper, I introduce my new research at the BSA on the relationships between people and sacred space in ancient Greece. I consider how we might understand different types of space within the sacred environment, as well as how worshippers might have experienced these spaces. Using Karthaia as a case study, I explore the special spatial configurations of the sanctuaries during the Archaic/Classical period, investigating, in particular, how people moved around the space, and how they might have perceived and conceptualised it. I ultimately consider the implications of the interactions between people and places on ancient religious experience and understanding.

Please register to attend IN PERSON at the BSA in Athens via Eventbrite here:

Please register to attend ONLINE via Zoom here: