“The Importance and Symbolism of Warfare in the South-Eastern Aegean during the LHIII period” is the title of the lecture to be given by Dr Merkourios Georgiadis (Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Athens). This will be the 1st meeting of the Mycenaean Seminar.
This paper will present and analyse the importance and symbolism of warfare in the South-Eastern Aegean during the LH III period. The various aspects of warfare will be discussed through the evidence recovered in the region. The large number of tombs
found in the South-Eastern Aegean facilitates the examination of weapons, as burial offerings, as well as other objects associated with the role and the image of the warrior.
The importance of warriors will be discussed in a broader context, as well as the impact it has on theories related with the specific area. The existence of texts that refer to the South-eastern Aegean offers a unique opportunity for understanding the political situation and the conditions of warfare during that period. The fortifications and the depiction of warfare activities add more data to the importance and the symbolism of war and the warrior.
The analysis of warfare in the South-Eastern Aegean during the LH III period reflects not only the economic but also the social and political dimensions of the cultural characteristics of the region in the LHIII period.
The lecture will be held in greek.
The Organising Committee: Nagia Polychronakou-Sgouritsa, Iphiyenia Tournavitou, Emilia Banou, Aphrodite Chasiakou