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11 December 2013 Start
11 December 2013 End
7.00 p.m. Time
Greece “Nikos Mazarakis Family Lecture Hall”, Center for Hellenic Studies in Greece, Harvard University, Philhellene Square and King Otto Street, 21 100 Nafplion

Τηλ.: 27520 47030, 27520 47040
e-mail.: [email protected]

Thoughts on a distich by Palamas

Wednesday, 11th December, 2013

In the framework of the Harvard University’s Center for Hellenic Studies Events Series 2013-2014 “The reception of classical models: From the Achaemenids to German National Socialism,” Aikaterini Polymerou Kamilaki (Director, Hellenic Folklore Research Center, Academy of Athens) will introduce the topic:

‘“Hidden in long- suffering Romiosyne, when I see Queen Greece from afar”: Thoughts on a distich by Palamas’

Respondent will be Socrates Loupas, Art Historian.

The lecture will be delivered (in Greek) in the “Nikos Mazarakis Family Lecture Hall” at Harvard University’s Center for Hellenic Studies, Nafplion.

The Events Series 2014 is organized in cooperation with the Municipalities of Nafplion, Argos – Mycenae, Ermionida and Epidaurus.