The Institute of Fine Arts at New York University, The Graduate Center at the City University of New York, Columbia University, and the Institute for Studies on Latin American Art (ISLAA) are pleased to announce the Sixth Annual Symposium of Latin American Art. For the full detailed program, please click here.
Please note: The Symposium will be held entirely online. Following submission of your RSVP, the Zoom link will be provided via email in advance of each conference day. Presentations will be given in English, Portuguese, or Spanish. The language of each presentation is noted in the detailed schedule. Autogenerated captioning will be available.
“Latin America”—the idealized landscape, and geospatial, sociocultural construct—has been shaped and mythologized by, through, and against movement. The invention of America and, later, of Latin America, enabled the mass movement of people, goods, images, and ideas through the processes of African and Indigenous enslavement and systemic resource extraction. Similarly, “latinidad,” a unifying identity-construct for Latin America’s diaspora in the U.S.—with its erasures of Black, Indigenous, and Asian lived experiences—also centers mobility: “latinidad” emerges only through migration and the crossing of borders. However, Indigenous worldviews, migration, and networks of cross-cultural exchange are also forms of movement which predate and intersect with this very idea, offering modes of resistance to ongoing processes of coloniality. Similarly, experiences of community, networks, continuity and presence invoke cross-temporal and cross-spatial histories, as well as futurities. As Diana Taylor writes, being present, or ¡Presente! constitutes a decisive act of resistance and solidarity.
Encompassing strategic moves, social movements, and embodied ways of being within its formulation of movement, the Symposium posits movement and presence as a set of generative epistemological strategies.
Wednesday, March 30
3:30 to 7:15 p.m.
Opening Remarks
Dr. Edward J. Sullivan, Deputy Director and Helen Gould Shepard Professor in the History of Art, the Institute of Fine Arts and College of Arts and Sciences, New York University
Panel 1: Contando histórias, narrando lembranças
Keynote Address
Introduction: Dr. Anna Indych-López, Professor, Art History, The Graduate Center, City University of New York (CUNY) and The City College of New York (CCNY) (CUNY); Kirk Varnedoe Visiting Professor of Modern Art, the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University
Keynote: After It’s All Said … : Reading Art as Confrontation
Dr. Denise Ferreira da Silva, Professor and Director of the Institute for Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice, University of British Columbia
Thursday, March 31
11:00 a.m. to 12:45 p.m.
Dr. Jennifer Ball, Executive Officer, Ph.D. Program in Art History and Professor, Art History, The Graduate Center and Brooklyn College, City University of New York (CUNY)
Panel 2: Emplazar el lugar
Friday, April 1
10:00 a.m. to 4:15 p.m.
Dr. Katherine Manthorne, Professor, Art of the Americas, Graduate Center, City University of New York (CUNY)
Panel 3: (Re)Enactments: Performance and Public Space
Keynote Address
Introduction: Dr. Christine Poggi, Judy and Michael Steinhardt Director and Professor of Fine Arts, the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University
Keynote: The Politics of Presence
Dr. Diana Taylor, University Professor and Professor of Performance Studies and Spanish, New York University
Panel 4: Unfixed Identities