1 July 2021 Start
2 July 2021 End
online workshop

Towards a More Inclusive Classics II

July 1-2, 2021

Online international workshop organised by Dr Alexia Petsalis-Diomidis (University of St Andrews, UK) and Professor Barbara Goff (University of Reading, UK).
Hosted by the Institute of Classical Studies and supported by the Council of University Classics Departments.

Following last year’s inaugural Inclusive Classics workshop, registration is now open for Towards a More Inclusive Classics II (1-2 July 2021). The programme (in full below) includes panels on embedding inclusive practices in institutions, decentring the canon, and collaboration between lecturers and students, with presentations from teachers, UG and PG students, and academics. There will also be opportunities to network with speakers and attendees in smaller breakout sessions.

The workshop will be held via Microsoft Teams and live captions will be available. Presentation materials will be pre-circulated via Microsoft OneDrive from 11 June. The workshop is free to attend, but registration is essential. Registration closes on 25 June 2021.

To register, please email [email protected] with your name, email address, affiliation or interest in the workshop, and choice of breakout group for the networking session. Please choose from the following, and note that there is no obligation to join a group based on current career path – the groups are open to anyone who is interested. It will also be possible to request to join a different group during the session.

Career paths:
PhD students and early career researchers
Mid-career and professoriate
Teachers in schools and colleges

Ideas for an Inclusive Classics Initiative Classical Association 2022 panel
Ideas for future Inclusive Classics Initiative events


Online international workshop hosted by the Institute of Classical Studies and supported by the Council of University Classics Departments

Hosts: Professor Barbara Goff (University of Reading, UK) and Dr Alexia Petsalis-Diomidis (University of St Andrews, UK)

Thursday 1 July, 14.00-16.40

1400    Welcome

PANEL 1: EMBEDDING INCLUSIVE PRACTICES (organised and chaired by Ashley Chhibber, PhD candidate, University of Nottingham, UK)

1410    Professor Jennifer Ingleheart (Durham University, UK) ‘A “head of department” perspective on building an inclusive departmental ethos’ (10 minutes presentation, 10 minutes Q and A)

1430    Dr Naoko Yamagata (Open University, UK) ‘Successes and challenges of inclusion at the Open University’ (10 minutes presentation, 10 minutes Q and A)

1450    Dr Marchella Ward (University of Oxford, UK) ‘Outreach in Classics and embedding inclusion’ (10 minutes presentation, 10 minutes Q and A)

1510    Small group discussion

1530    Break


1545    Serafina Nicolosi (PhD Candidate, University of Liverpool, UK) and Dr Fiona Hobden (University of Liverpool, UK) ‘Decolonising the Curriculum at Liverpool’

1555    Professor Peter Kruschwitz (University of Vienna, Austria) ‘MAPPOLA project update’

1605    Dr Arlene Holmes-Henderson (King’s College London/University of Oxford, UK) ‘Knowledge Exchange’

1620    Q and A session

1640    End of workshop day one

FRIDAY 2 JULY 13.00-16.00

1300    Welcome

PANEL 3: DECENTRING THE CANON (organised and chaired by Anna McOmish, Aldridge School, UK)

1310    Anna McComish (Aldridge School, UK) ‘Teaching Ancient Middle Eastern History KS3’

1315    Peter Wright (Blackpool Sixth Form College, UK) ‘Opening up Latin and Classics teaching in the Blackpool area’

1320    Ray Cheung (Undergraduate and President of the Christian Cole Society, University of Oxford, UK) ‘The Christian Cole Society’

1325    Vijaya-Sharita Baba (Petroc College, UK) ‘Ethnic inclusivity in the current Classical Civilisation A Level specification’

1330    Sanjay Sharma (Heinz-Brandt-Schule, Berlin, Germany) ‘Framing discussions and subverting narratives in Classics’

1335    Q and A session

1400    Break


1415    Small group discussion (groups chosen at registration)

1500    Break

PANEL 4: LECTURERS AND STUDENTS IN PARTNERSHIP (organised and chaired by Professor Kunbi Olasope, University of Ibadan, Nigeria)

1515    Professor Kunbi Olasope (University of Ibadan, Nigeria), Dr Monica Aneni (University of Ibadan, Nigeria) and Dr Idowu Alade (University of Ibadan, Nigeria) in conversation

1535    Q and A session

1600    Close of workshop

All times are UK BST. Presentations will be pre-circulated.