On the occasion of the bimillennial of Emperor Augustus’s death, CRT Association – Archaeological Group in VIcenza and Cultural Association Rodopis – Experience Ancient History organise, in partnership with the municipality of Vicenza, a twodays event (11-12 October 2014) which will alternate lectures by young university researchers and guided tours to the main sites of the ancient Roman Vicenza.
Lectures (which will be delivered in morning hours at Astra Theatre in Vicenza, Contrà Barche 53) will examine several aspects of Augustan politics and ideology, with a specific focus on the coeval situation of the thenrecently reformed X Regio, which ancient Vicetia municipium belonged to. In the afternoon of the two days, all participants will have tha chance to visit the Naturalistic-
Archaeological Museum and the principal sites of the Roman Vicenza.
h.09.00: Greetings of local authorities; introduction speeches by Elena Marzola (CRT) and Anna Busetto (Rodopis)
FIRST SESSION:The politics and ideology of the Principatum (Chairman: Anna Busetto)
h.9.30 Dall’impero romano all’impero fascista: duemila anni di potere augusteo: LORENZO DE VECCHI (University of Trieste)
h.10.15 Cento di questi anni! Le feste delle “imperatrici” e il calendario dopo Augusto: IRENE SOMÀ (University of Bologna)
h.10.45 Coffee break
h.11.15 Tutti i colori di Augusto. La ricerca del colore dimenticato ed il significato del colore nella mentalità dei romani: SARA LENZI (University of Florence)
h.11.45 La disperata ricerca di un successore? Alcune riflessioni su un passaggio di poteri da riconsiderare: ALESSANDRO RONCAGLIA (University of Bologna)
h.12.15 Discussion
h.12.45 – 15.00 Lunch break
Guided tour to the Roman Vicenza and NaturalisticArchaeological Museum
h.9.15 introduction speeches by Elena Marzola (CRT) and Anna Busetto (Rodopis)
FIRST SESSION: X Regio in Augustan age (chairman: Elena Marzola)
h.9.45 L’istituzione della X Regio e il suo ruolo nella conquista augustea dell’alto e medio Danubio: MARCO ROCCO (University of Padua)
h.10.15 La X Regio orientale nell’Italia augustea. Aspetti dell’organizzazione e della gestione del territorio: STEFANO MAGNANI (University of Udine)
h.10.45 Coffee Break
h.11.15 Il municipium di Vicetia in età augustea e giulioclaudia: MARIOLINA GAMBA (Superintendency of Archaeological Heritage in Veneto)
h.11.45 I veterani di Augusto nella colonia di Ateste: aspetti di vita economica e sociale nell’età augustea: FILIPPO BOSCOLO (University of Padua)
h.12.15 Discussion
h.12.45 – 15.00 Lunch break
Guided tour to the Roman Vicenza and NaturalisticArchaeological Museum
Each visit will last 1 hour roughly and will be arranged by Ardea Association and CTG-La Rua Association; reservations will be booked at Astra Theatre during each morning. Guided visits are programmed for 2 groups of maximum 30 people each to the Cryptoporticus and Roman Vicenza, and for 2 groups of maximum 30 people each to the Naturalistic Archaeological Museum.
For further enquiries please contact: [email protected], [email protected]
Scientific Secretary:
Anna Busetto ([email protected])
Edoardo Bedin ([email protected])
Elena Marzola ([email protected])