Ergasterion: A Workshop on Workshops in Archaic and Classical Greece, organized by: Dr David Lewis, University of Edinburgh (in collaboration with the British School at Athens and the Leverhulme Trust).
The Workshop is free, but attendees must register their intention to attend with David Lewis ([email protected]) so that sufficient seats, handouts, etc. can be ensured.
Introduction: The Diversity of Classical Athenian Crafts in the Literary Record
[3:30-3:50pm] David Lewis (The University of Edinburgh, UK)
Performing Work: Narrative and Storytelling in Visual Representations of Labour
[3:50-4:30] Robert Sobak (Bowdoin College, USA)
Athenian Pottery Workshops: Personnel and Production
[4:30-5:10] Philip Sapirstein (The University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA)
[5:10-5:40] Tea & Coffee (Finlay Room)
Corinthian Workshops in Terracotta Sculpture
[5:40-6:20] Nancy Bookidis (The American School of Classical Studies at Athens)
Craftsmen and Technologies in the Corinthia in the Early Archaic Period: Ship Building and Temple Construction
[6:20-7:00] David Scahill (The American School of Classical Studies at Athens)
Closing Remarks
[7:00-7:30] Edward Harris (Durham University & The University of Edinburgh, UK)