The documentation of the scientific data through visual representation is necessary in the modern scientific methodology. In the archaeognostic sciences in particular, such as archaeology, geoarchaeology, palaeoan-thropology, palaeontology etc, all the representational methods are applied. The most appropriate ways for representing and documenting the archaeological data are photography and videotaping. The latter is coming off rather simply, the photos, however, that can be taken are of a low analysis, therefore they do not have the dis-tinctiveness necessary for the presentation and publication of the data. Photography, on the contrary, offers all the technical qualities, prerequisites for presentation and publication and, although it is a more complex procedure that videotaping, it does not require any particular specialization. In any case, if the photos can be taken by a professional photographer, the quality of the result is usually much higher. In action, however, as regards in situ surveys, excavations and/or photographing of finds, the employment of such a specialist is difficult and is also considered a luxury due to the high cost and to the close cooperation with the archaeologist it entails, since only a few photographers know “the correct angle for photographing archaeological items”. Therefore, the ordinary but efficient documentation of the excavationai data through photography, an indispensable means for archaeologists, is now much easier, if one uses the new digital technology of computers.
Archaeological Photography and New Technology
27 Aug 2012
by Archaeology Newsroom
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