Two years ago, in 1980, Peter Stein brought the Berlin Schaubuhne’s production of the Oresteia to the theatre of Epidauros. This production of Aescylus’s trilogy was very controversial as indeed was Peter Hall’s recent production. Peter Stein’s production lasted for nine and a half hours. Preparations for the production took seven years. The trilogy was translated into prose with the advice of specialists in ancient Greek literature. The play was put into words sounding like modern Greek. No reference was made to the modern world but the emphasis was more on the archaeological than on the theatrical aspects of the trilogy. Four posters were given out instead of a programme, one for each part of the trilogy, (Agamemnon, Libation Bearers, Eumenides), and one for the Oresteia as a whole. The posters are visually very pleasing, and by their reference to the literary and archaeological side of the Oresteia, add greatly to the performance.
Peter Stein’s Oresteia. Four posters instead of a theatre programme
27 Jul 2012
by Archaeology Newsroom
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