Man has always adjusted his surroundings to his needs and aesthetic values. The connection however between man and environment, existing monuments and the space around them used to be more balanced. The features of the modern city, however, have deteriorated due to the urgent needs and the rapid changes of contemporary life. If monuments are to be preserved and regain their multiple functions we are obliged to choose between two alternatives, either to exclude them from the life of the modern city, treating them as respectable works of art or to revive their original social function so they can again contribute to the city’s life and improve, in their way, the standard of living. If one is to choose the second alternative , then the respect for the unique character of the monument must prevail, that is, the preservation of the entire atmosphere from which the individuality and the distinct character of each monument depends.
The preservation of historic monuments in modern Thessaloniki
30 Jul 2012
by Archaeology Newsroom
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