Late Roman building dated at the beginning of the 5th century AD. Partly excavated in 1995 in the course of shifting the line of the road Dionisiou Areopagitou. It consists of a large main hall surrounded by other smaller, which opens into a majestic apse with three semicircular and four semihexagonic niches suitable probably for sculpture. The floor of the hall is covered with mosaics in geometric patterns.
Two ancient votive reliefs were found in a small room to the East, as well as a relief base used either as an offering table or as a statue holder.
A combination of archaeological finds and ancient written sources helped the building to be identified as the house of the philosopher Proclus, Director of the Neoplatonic School and important figure of the ancient city. It was abandoned during the 6th century AD as a result of emperor Justinian’s edict to close the philosophical schools of Athens.
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