Art was able to express feelings not from the Archaic Period, as previously known, but already from the Mycenaean Era. This is what was supported by archaeologist Chr. Boulotis during his recent lecture for the Friends of the Archaeological Museum of Athens.
His muse? The “Mycenaea”, portrait of a lady who lived 34 centuries ago in Mycenae, central Greece. A mature lady, as shown by her double chin and full breasts, but content in her rich clothes and her precious golden jewellery. It is these jewels that make her proud and happy as expressed by the raised ends of her lips showing a smile never seen before. Most Mycenaen faces show horizontal, sealed lips and thus no feelings. Before, in Minoan Crete, men have been shown smiling whilst a group of them are singing more or less loudly, in the Vaseof the Reapers (Ag. Triada, Crete). However, this lady is smiling, probably showing us the first smiling female figure in Greek art. And that gold was a girl’s best friend – just before diamonds appear!
The Smile of the
25 Jan 2011
by Archaeology Newsroom
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