2012-2013 MENA Postdoctoral Fellowship Search
Northwestern University’s Middle East and North African Studies Program invites applications for a two-year Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship beginning September 1, 2013. All strong applicants from any discipline are encouraged to apply, while there is particular interest in applicants whose work and/or teaching is in the following areas: Iran, North Africa, the Gulf States, religion, migration, gender and sexuality, race/ethnicity, legal studies, science and technology studies. Northwestern’s MENA Program is a new initiative whose core faculty specialize in a range of topics in a variety of disciplines, including anthropology, art history, history, literature, media studies, and political science. The successful candidate will teach two courses per year in the appropriate department or program within the Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences.
AA/EOE. Applications from minority and women scholars are especially welcome. Applicants should hold a PhD granted during or after 2009; all requirements for the PhD must be completed before the start date.
Application deadline is January 2, 2013.
For further information: http://www.mena.northwestern.edu/application.html